He is the one!!!

Posted: August 26, 2013 in My Silly thoughts



He is her second hero(first place goes to dad), partner in every crime, he protects her from all possible bad things(even the cool boy friends), sacrifices his happiness for her sake, don’t hesitate to fight a demon for her sake. And he is a “BROTHER”. Without a brother i tell you child hood is milk without Bournvita, Teenage without college and Marriage without sex.

I  country like India which shines with his culture ( and rape) sisters tie rakhi to their brothers and pray for their long life and good health. In return brothers will give their darling sister celebration,money, APPLe, AUDI…according to their ability.

Most of the college gals make use of this day and tie rakhi to those boys who hit on them(specially those whom they dont like). Then their are considered to be brother and sister.

I know i am pretty late but wish you all happy Raksha Bandana



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